Be careful

Is this what the world is coming to? GROW UP.

But never forget..   just think of happy things, and your heart will fly on wings

sincerely, jon



N is also for Neptune. Here I am taunting him. Thanks to you all and Jon for keeping this thing going while I was away. A little Nat every now and then never hurt anyone.

M now, M. There are so many mmmm. I’m gonna go ahead and give you two cause I was gone for a week.

First, The Merseys – Sorrow. This song was covered by Bowie i’m pretty sure, and I think some others did it too..You can hear George Harrison singing a melody from this tune at the end of “It’s all Too Much” from Yellow Submarine if you listen real hard at the end. Oh you might have to sign up for the website to hear it, sorry it was the only place on the internet I could find the song.

Second, Marc Bolan & T. Rex-Metal Guru

On my iTunes T.Rex/Marc Bolan has so many different names, they make us taking the exclamation point out mute. Marc Bolan. Tyrannosaurus Rex. T Rex. T. Rex. Marc Bolan and T. Rex. etc…But alas! So many great songs, I may have linked you to a playlist with two of them because I didn’t know which to put, so if you have 6 or so minutes, maybe try both.

and lastly, something to ponder.

“To be nobody but yourself-in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you somebody else-means to fight the hardest battle which any human being can fight; and never stop fighting.”

e.e. Cummings

