T is for…There are Too many Bands I want To use for T.

So I will.

The Troggs-Wild Thing

Now if this isn’t a party song, what is?

The Turtles-Happy Together

and one more


oh and one more thing… watch this

unreal. Short update, lots of goods though, gotta go get on this plane.




Just wanted to say that “Almost Halloween” is now up for download.

Ne just wanted you to be able to put it on your mixtapes for your halloween parties this weekend. pass it around.

to take a look at that. I’m sure someone smart will figure out how to put it on YouTube but until then you’ll have to watch it through there…


Some of my favorite recipes

I’ve always been a foodie – a cousin of mine often says that our family is obsessed with food. Since my early college years, I’ve been, well, obsessed with food – and would often keep my TV on the Food Network channel so that I could learn how to cook. I must’ve learned a thing or two, because now that I’m vegan, coming up with creative meals that taste amazing hasn’t been difficult for me. I usually post a picture of my latest vegan or vegetarian meal on my Instagram account Kikistylingfree or on my Facebook page Stylefree, but lately I’ve been getting messages from people asking me to share my recipes along with cooking information. So here I go! Sweet Potato Fries, Garlic Kale and Quinoa with Kalamata Olives and Portobello Mushrooms For the sweet potato fries: Serving: 1 to 2 Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: Approximately 30 minutes [should go into the oven first with the portobello mushrooms]

What you will need: 1 sweet potato, olive oil or vegan butter, salt, cayenne pepper, foil, a baking sheet

Step 1: PRE HEAT YOUR OVEN to 400 degrees! This will save you so much time.

Step 2: Peel then rinse the sweet potato with cold water

Step 3: Cut the sweet potato into approximately 12 “fries”. They should be cut like steak fries. Cut the potato in half. Then halve the two halves. You should now have 4 huge sections. Cut the 4 sections into three steak cut fries

Step 4: Line a baking sheet with foil and place the fries evenly on the foil. Make sure they are not touching each other.

Step 5: Drizzle olive oil or melted vegan butter on the fries then season with salt and cayenne pepper to taste. Note: cayenne pepper is extremely spicy so a little goes a long way. If you have never cooked with cayenne pepper, it gets even spicier when it is heated. Taste a little bit first to see if you can handle it. If not, use red pepper flakes or regular black pepper.

Step 6: Bake for approximately 15 minutes or until the side touching the foil is brown. Turn the fries over and bake for another 15 minutes or until the other side is brown and the fries are tender.

For the garlic kale: Serving: 1 to 2 Prep time: 5 minutes Cook time: Approximately 20 minutes [should be made 3rd, after the fries and mushrooms go into the oven]

What you will need: 2 cups of kale, 1 garlic clove, 2 cups of vegetable stock, salt and pepper to taste

Step 1: Rinse kale leaves with cold water. If you’re using kale that has not been removed from the stems, wash first then remove the kale leaves from the large stems by simply pulling.

Step 2: Roughly chop the kale into small pieces. BE CAREFUL not to cut them too small. They don’t need to be chopped – just a quick, rough cut is fine.

Step 3: Chop one clove of garlic. To chop garlic, remove one clove from the bulb. Smash the clove by placing the knife sideways(so that it is flat) on the garlic clove and hitting it with your other hand, very hard but very carefully. Peel the skin from the smashed clove. Chop

Step 4: Heat the vegetable stock is a large pan until it comes to a rolling simmer. Add the garlic and kale. The kale will start to wilt and reduce in size. Continue to let it simmer and stir occasionally ( I like to use tongs) until the kale is tender but still has a slight crunch to it (apprx. 20 minutes). It should still be very green in color.

Add salt and pepper to taste

Have fun!!! xoxo



So I’ve run into a problem…Can’t think of any band or artist I listen to that begins with the letter X. Maybe you know of some? I’ll take your recommendations on this one. Also thanks alot for your D-Land advice, hope I can use it soon.

And while I wait for a band beginning with X, I’ll give you TWO for W. Just because I feel a little embarrased that my idea already isn’t working out.

W is for… We All Together!

We All Together – Cloudy Night


From Peru, and you can hear it. Such good tropical feel. I’ve been listening to the songs they’ve got on myspace now for a few months, impossible to find their albums anywhere, but I finally have! Amazon never lets me down. Anyway give them a listen.


The Who – I Can’t Explain

Sure you can find this one just about anywhere. Put it on a mixtape for your next party. Or don’t, but I will.

Hope you all have a good holiday, maybe I’ll see you at the airport tomorrow. We can complain about the lines being too long and people acting like real animals. Ever noticed the airport is where people usually display the least amount of compassion for others?

“Not trying to cause a big sensation, just talking about my generation.”

